Monday, August 15, 2011

"They all Hated Me"

Everything went very smooth at the airport in SLC, we landed in Chicago and grabbed a meal, causing us to almost miss our flight to New Dehli. The airline personnel were really upset with us, hence the title for this post. Lyndee and I were running full speed to our gate which happened to be on the other side of the airport from where we were eating. We caught our flight with minutes to spare and popped and ambien for the 14 hour flight ahead. Thank you Mother! We slept the whole flight. It was really enjoyable. We had to grab our luggage once we arrived in Dehli, re check them and go through security again. Such a headache. Again, they all hated me. (Quote from meet the Robinsons-classic). The Indian people wouldn't give us our tickets for a long time, we went up and down the elevator several times, and finally found a kind man to help us out and pretty much demand the personnel to give us our tickets. It was a great time.
We got on that flight from Dehli to Chennai where I met Sam. He's an Indian man from New Dehli. He began talking to me about purpose for being in India and also shared some insight into his life. We began talking about the Hindu religion and he talked about the idolatry and how it kind of dehumanizes the people. He expressed his love for Christianity and how the different sects of Christianity separate us as a people and so forth. He was so awesome and had such a sound core. I began sharing some doctrines of our religion and had the opportunity to give him a Book of Mormon. I grabbed Lyndee to also speak to him with me. He was so awesome and his final remarks were, it's not about the book. It's about Christ and how he needs to be the very center of our lives. He was so open to receiving the book and said he would read it. He emailed me today expressing appreciation for our conversation. He then helped Lyndee, me, and two other girls we met up with get on a van to get to the hotel. He was such a sweet man. Everything he said was so in tune with the gospel. It was exciting.
We then woke up today to head down to the colony where the Rising Star campus is at. It was a two hour drive and was incredible. I had mixed emotions of fear and joy. Although once I arrived on campus, it all turned to joy. The culture here is crazy and a little intimidating.
We had orientation in the afternoon and will be heading over to see the children tonight.
This is going to be the best experience of my life. It will push me to the limit for sure. Woot!

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