Saturday, September 10, 2011

Doctrinal Insights from India

I have learned more fully what it means to have the pure love of Christ by associating with people who are full of His love. Charity comes as one learns to rely wholly upon the merits of Christ. As one softens their heart before Christ, His love can enter in and in turn, that light penetrates the soul on the inside and out. As His love affects the mind, heart, and actions of the individual, he/she becomes charity--they become as the Savior is.

One night when I was trying to fall asleep in India, my roommate (who I actually struggled with for the first week) started talking about her new found hopes in repentance because of her experience here in India. She expressed her desires to return to the Savior and she could feel His love through these people she served. She learned more about God's love and realized that the Savior's arms were stretched out toward her still.

Seeking out for the One:
The leprosy patients as well as the children have an incredible way of making you feel so loved and special. Although they have dealt with hundreds of previous volunteers throughout the whole summer, we were still so special to them. They approached us individually hoping for our love and time, as they were so willing to give the same. No person was overlooked by these people.
As I pondered this, I have realized that by spending time with one and giving my full love to that individual, great and beautiful things will be released within the person and in turn, with myself.