Tuesday, August 30, 2011

8/30: Continual Learning

Although I have returned from India, I will continually be learning from what these wonderful people have taught me. I will continue to record my insights that I may never forget this amazing experience that I've been blessed with.
As I am still recoveriong from jet lag, I woke up at 4:00 this morning and my thoughts were turned to India. Here are just a couple insights I gained:
I consider the leprosy patients who are full of joy, love, and humility. I consider their immense pain, not only physically, but emotionally, socially etc. Why do they have such joy when they have every reason to sorrow and have pity for their external condition? While their focus should naturally be cast inward, they manage to do the exact opposite. They have immense love and gratitude for the people who are coming to help. They value the joy and happiness of others more than for themselves. This is service. What I've done is minimal in comparison to the love and prayers they have offerred in my behalf. As we work with them and are causing pain to their sore feet, they can do nothing but love us for the fact that we are there with them. It's not so much our actions, but our presence that touches them. It is the building of relationships and love shown. Their heart melts as I kiss their hands. I have learned the importance of being with the one. Service is about who I am rather than what I am doing. These leprosy patients are the perfect example of that.
Next, I consider the children. They have come from homes of abandonment, disease, poverty, and heartache. They have come to Rising Star in hopes for a brighter future. They have incredible gratitude for this blessing of a solid education. They desire to take this blessing and shift it upon the lives of others and who they hope to be able to serve in their future because of the education. Little do they know that they are already shifting the blessings upon every person they come into contact with as they fully and unconditionally love their peers and volunteers. As they look into my eyes, it's as if they're saying, "You've changed my life" but then I consider the fact that I am a mere 'one' of hundreds of volunteers who have felt a similar love from these children. They are fully aware that my visit is short and still give everything inch of love that they have to me and to the other volunteers. This makes the departure all the more bitter, yet all the more sweet. They have taught me how I ought to love.

I will strive to love selflessly, considering the joy and happiness of my brother before my own. I pray that I will be able to give every fiber of being of love to the Lord and in effect, to my fellow men.

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