Monday, August 29, 2011

8/26: I left my heart in India

Today, I got to tutor the blessed children! It was fun Friday, which was seriously a relief. We played bingo and around the world. It was really refreshing, especially because children who struggled so much with focusing on the work, became excited to do the task at hand. I really enjoyed it. The kids were yelling bingo and singing the bingo song while we played. They also became so excited when they finished each math problem. Who ever knew learning could be so much fun? Haha. Sathya stole my water bottle during break J Such a little teaser. I just love her so much.

After tutoring, we all went back to the hostel to paint our session wall. We decided to paint a lotus and it was a great experience. The members of our session became really close to each other.

Becca put on a saree…it was ridiculous. Then she unraveled and did a strip show for Lyndee and me. It was fabulous.

I went to play time and all the girl’s were dressed up to go to Saraswathy’s party for her marriage. The kids looked absolutely beautiful. Little did I know that this would be the last time that I had to spend with my beloved Rutish.

After seeing the kids all lined up we ran back to the hostel for dinner. We reflected on things that we learned throughout the trip. Many people spoke about the love of the children, the examples of the fellow volunteers, and the hope in a brighter future because of the experience. I spoke about the difference in serving and serving at the side of God. As I wrestled and began to humble myself throughout the experience, my service was far more meaningful and profoundly based.

After dinner we went to watch Life Dance. They are incredible, especially considering their lacking experience. After their performances, we did a dance off. The kids are seriously incredible dancers. It was so much fun.

We ran to family time after that ended and it just wasn’t the same. I was in absolute denial that we were leaving and this was the last night with them. I sat with the girls on the floor for a little while. Sang a few hymns to them for the last time. Some of them were in the process of making bracelets for us. They are so loving and willing to give all they have to bring joy into the lives of others. I then ran over to Rutish’s family house and gave him a big hug goodbye. That was rough. I seriously love that kid so much. His smile brightens anyone’s day. When he runs, he kicks his legs up really high and keeps his arms straight flinging them back and forth. It’s adorable. Ha, it kills me. He would always see me from a distance and strategically place himself somewhere so that I would run into him right away. Then he would just stand there with a huge grin on his face and I would run up and grab him yelling, Rutish! He would cling to me as we walked around. He is the most beautiful and loving little boy. He’s so sweet. I already miss him.

Anyway, after saying goodbye to him, I went back to Saraswathy’s house to spend a few last minutes with Sathya. The whole day she kept telling me that she would be my sponsor. I kept saying “No Sathya! I’m the last person who needs a sponsor!” Haha she’s so funny. Anyway, she gave me a sack with so many gifts that I know meant a lot to her. It was so sweet of her. She wrote me the funniest and sweetest letter with a piece of her hair taped to it. So funny. Then she said, “Kelsey. I will be your sponsor, we will write all the time…I love you my sponsor child.” I laughed so hard at that. I was just so happy that I couldn’t cry. She’s so sweet and I just love her to death. She is so loving and caring of others and just the biggest tease. She gave me her Rising Star T-shirt, a gorgeous homemade bracelet, her keychain, and colored pencils. She’s so amazing. I gave her a huge hug and said good night. I went out to the main room where most of the girls sleep on the hard cement floor. I kissed all their hands and they kissed mine. I broke down. It was so tender. I love my girls so much and they have taught me a great deal. It was a great last day. I will strive to keep the spirit of love within my heart as I go back home to Idaho. I will look for the one and strive to release the joy within those I come in contact with as I have learned to do here in India.

I love you all and thank you for following my blog J

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