Friday, August 19, 2011

8/18 Take Out the Music and the Trash!

The second photo is my group that I serve with every day! Go group scorpion! The Indian man on the right is a leprosy patient who helped us and was along our side the whole time we were serving. We're not really posing but natural shots are the best.

Today I went to the Vandalur leprosy colony to pick up trash which was EVERYWHERE! It was awesome to have so much to do but seriously, we didn’t even dent it in the two hours that we spent there. We dove right in with our gloves and a member in my group, we call him Uncle Phil, cautioned us to use the pokers that we had been given because of the disease that could easily be picked up in the colony. That totally freaked me out. Ha, so I used my little poker and had a dandy time. One of the leprosy patients helped by holding open the trash bags for us. That really touched me. A mother came around with her little boy. She handed him over to me and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I really enjoyed myself. Another young boy grabbed some pokers and helped us out. It was just so awesome how happy they were for us to be there and their complete willingness to help. Again, they just seem so happy and content with life despite the incredibly rough circumstance. It’s a really beautiful thing. I’ve discovered this lifestyle to be my ultimate niche. I am so content. It’s a different feeling than I had expected. I was anticipating like a crazy high of sorts but rather, it’s just a very calm and happy peace to be immersed in this work.

During our break, I had some bonding time with the other volunteers and they did splits on the bunk beds and climbed on the ceiling. Ha, uh they’re ridiculously crazy. I love them.

After break, I headed over to play time. A little boy ran up to me with something behind his back and threatened to throw it at me. I screamed like a little girl because I thought it was a snake. Luckily it was just a water balloon so I just got nice and wet. I went on the playground and was attacked by Sathish, Rhutish…and another little boy. Ha I was flipping them around my back. Rhutish picked a flower and gave it to me. All the other boys did too. Ha I felt very loved. Rhutish stuck by me for awhile with arms wrapped around my wasted as we walked around. He’s such a sweet kid. Some of them are just so angelic. Others are…well. Ha we won’t go there.

I went with my friend Sathya to watch her sing in the choir and played hide and seek after that.

After dinner I went to my family’s house and we did a craft together. We made puppets! They liked having the supplies more than anything else. They value the smallest things that they’re given, even a little pipe cleaner. After crafts, I sang hymns to the girls to help them fall asleep and told the story, Cinderella to one of my girls. I gave her a hug after and told her that she was so special. She looked at me with the purest eyes. That melted my heart. My love for the children really grew tonight. I look forward to spending free time with them every day.

This picture is from yesterday...I couldn't figure out the picture attachment at the time. I'm working with my dear friend Sahtish here.

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